Maxi-tablet digesters
maxi-tablets meet the needs of ‘KISS’ allowing the user to simply add a tablet/s into the
application as needed without the need for dosing / dispensing pumps.
- Bactro Trap – digests animal fat and vegetable oil in food facilities.
- Bactro Sept – digests faecal matter in septic tanks, French drains, latrines, etc.
- Bactro P – neutralizes urine and its byproducts that precipitate in plumbing thus eliminating the foul odours.
- Bactro Loo – neutralizes urine and faecal matter in portable (chemical) toilets, allows the waste to be discharged directly into sewage systems. Two sizes available; 5-7 days and 2-3 days.
- Bactro Oleo – digests hydrocarbon oils, namely petrol, diesel, grease, etc.
- Bactro Boost – nutrient source for Bactro Oleo.
- Bactro Oxy – catalyst for Bactro products where oxygen starvation exists.
Liquid digesters
- Bactro Trap L – digester for addition to fat and oil traps in food facilities.
- Bactro Drain – treatment for soil control in drains.
Urinal mats
- Bactro U-mat – biological alternative to the traditional ‘p’ mat; Bactro U-mat comprises of a fragrance impregnated polymer mat with a bacterial Bactro P insert to provide a two-fold solution; bacterial neutralization of urine and its by-products, odour neutralization and deodorizing.
- Bactro U-mats are available in three variants; name clear with lemongrass fragrance, yellow with eucalyptus fragrance and blue with bubble gum fragrance.
Aqua-cultural remediation
Bactro Pristine and Bactro Life - these remedies are used for remediating and / or controlling pond,
lake, dam water with or without presence of aquatic life and flora.
Bactro detergents
Liquid detergents
Bactro liquid detergents are available in 20lt drums, and 5lt and 1lt bottles in order to facilitate stock
control. The 1lt bottle pack includes 4ml bottle pumps to accurately dispense the correct amount of
detergent directly into a spray bottle or pail.
- Bactro Auto – is a fragranced liquid laundry detergent that provides remarkable results at low concentrations. Experience has shown that Bactro Auto is suitable for use in commercial laundering at low temperatures and in some applications fabric, softeners can be dispensed with. Bactro Auto is sodium and phosphate free.
- Bactro B Soft – reduced environmental impact fabric softener to complement Bactro Auto.
- Bactro All – is a versatile general purpose, fragranced cleaner.
- Bactro Lift – is a fragranced hard surface degreaser; essentially Bactro All with enhanced degreasing properties.
- Bactro Floor – is a fragranced floor cleaner for manual use and use via auto-scrubbers; essentially Bactro All with enhanced cleaning properties for heavier duty applications.
- Bactro Bath – is a fragranced bathroom cleaner and descaler for us eon all bathroom surfaces, tiles, ceramics, sanitaryware, shiny surfaces and floors. Its an ideal complement to Bactro P and Bactro U-mats.
- Bactro Odour – is an extremely effective mal-odour neutralizer with deodorizing properties.
- Bactro Extreme – is an extremely effective cleaner, degreaser, odour neutralizer and deodorizer for use in service areas, receiving, waste compactors, etc. experience has shown that the bacteria in Bactro Extreme attacks any insect / fly larvae present in these environments.
Tablet Detergents
Through its very nature, biologically enhanced products have reduced shelf lives once diluted to in-
use concentrations.
In order to mitigate shorter solution shelf life, TNG Bio has formulated an unique range of
detergents in tablet form which are diluted as and when needed to prevent waste and resultant cost
One simply pops a tablet into the relevant amount of water, allows it to dilute and then use as
- Bactro Clean – multi-purpose detergent for all hard surfaces – tablet alternative to Bactro All.
- Bactro Zyme – multi-purpose detergents for all hard surfaces especially in food preparation facilities.
- Bactro Bath & Tile – cleaner and descaler for use on all surfaces; tiles, ceramics, floors, sanitary ware in bathroom environments – tablet alternative to Bactro Bath.
- Bactro Diox – quick acting, non residual hard surface sanitizer based on chlorine dioxide.
- Bactro Diox FV – quick acting, non residual sanitizer based on chlorine dioxide for rinsing of fruit and vegetables.